“Borderlands: Return to Pandora” (originally titled “Borderlands”) features an all-star cast including Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Jamie Lee Curtis. Based on the hit video game series that has sold 77 million copies globally and generated over $1 billion in revenue, the movie adaptation brings the beloved game’s characters, such as Roland and Lilith, to life, along with familiar NPCs like Claptrap, Dr. Patricia Tannis, and Tiny Tina.
The story follows Lilith (Cate Blanchett), a renowned bounty hunter with a shadowy past, who reluctantly returns to her chaotic home planet, Pandora. Her mission is to find the missing daughter of Atlas (Edgar Ramírez), the most powerful figure in the universe.
To succeed, Lilith teams up with an unlikely group of oddballs: Roland (Kevin Hart), a battle-hardened mercenary; Tiny Tina (Ariana Greenblatt), an eccentric teen with her bodyguard Krieg (Florian Munteanu); Patricia Tannis (voiced by Jamie Lee Curtis), a quirky scientist; and Claptrap (voiced by Jack Black), a witty robot.
Together, they must battle strange creatures and dangerous foes, all while uncovering Pandora’s darkest secrets. Their journey holds not just the fate of the galaxy but also a deeper, more human cause.
Staying true to the humor, chaos, and intensity that made the video game series a success, Borderlands: Return to Pandora will feature familiar game elements like vaults full of treasure and customizable weapons. Fans of the game and lovers of action-fantasy will be treated to a thrilling cinematic experience.
Directed by Eli Roth, Lionsgate’s highly anticipated blockbuster began production in 2020 and is set to release worldwide in August 2024. Borderlands: Return to Pandora invites viewers on a wild ride to the universe’s most unpredictable and exciting planet.